
I run a small electrical contractors business and have been since Feb 2017.

In the early days I was trying to do my accounts and Bookkeeping myself with Xero and got into a horrible mess – and then along came my knight with his shining keyboard, Rob Boon.  He took us on and we migrated to MYOB which was a bit of a learning curve for me, but I trusted Rob’s judgement and wasn’t disappointed.

Fast forward to 2020 – we have been able to focus on our growth without the distraction of the bookkeeping.  Payroll has been added to the services Rob provides as our growth has meant we could commit to an apprentice to help with the extra workload and provide training for future tradesmen.

At first glance, the average joe would think the bookkeeping side of a business is easy – buy stuff, sell a service or product, invoice and it’s all done.  Well, I discovered that wasn’t the reality.   Rob and his team make that soooo much easier for us.  We use an accountant Rob recommended to us as the two jobs are quite different – I see that now and have confidence that I can sleep at night knowing my business is in very safe hands.

If you don’t use Rob from ABBS for your bookkeeping, quite simply, you don’t know what a premium service you’re missing.

Andy G

I had the pleasure of being introduced to ABBS through Jo Bacon the WA representative. The professional service  I have received has been so essential in assisting me with my new business, I am so grateful for the expertise, professionalism and excellent customer service I have experienced.

Marion B

As a sole trader, my weakness was definitely the paper work side of things. I decided to employ a book keeper to assist me in catching up on 2 years of financials. I had let it go that long that I found it overwhelming as I didn’t know where to start

Thanks to Steve Cocks from ABBS we managed to get all the books up to date and in no time, … and that took the weight off my shoulders so I could focus on developing my business and moving forward in a more organized and structured way, keeping on top of things every month which makes life much easier.

I can rest easy knowing that my business is in good hands with Steve, I have the confidence in his ability as a bookkeeper and his good faith in organizing me to succeed as a business owner. Thank You

Elizabeth G

Industry Engagement

In October 2012 Rob undertook the voluntary role of ICB Network Facilitator for our Logan region and runs meetings on a monthly basis. The meetings are run with the support of ICB but rely heavily on the Facilitator to drive the meetings and ensure the content is relevant to the attendees. They are attended by Bookkeepers within the region who come to the meeting to not only learn from one another but discuss issues relevant to their industry. His first meeting in October was attended by only 8 people and by March 2013, Rob with his passion, grew this to 21 people.

Rob holds a Fellow Membership with ICB and uses the resources of ICB along with his own skills and knowledge to support those Bookkeepers attending his monthly meetings.

NOTE: Rob is still facilitating these meetings as we move into 2020

Rick V

Scott Leonard has been the Honorary Treasurer and bookkeeper of QJCS Inc since 2006. His knowledge and expertise in governance requirements have resulted in very accurate and comprehensive accounts which have been complimented by our auditor as easy to audit.

Scott is also experienced in providing advise in grant management, expenditure and acquittal. This was hugely helpful during the 2011 floods where he administered our $2 million funds raised to assist victims.

Scott has also provided me and the committee with advice, guidance and support over the past 12 years which I thank him for.

Ariel H


It has been my pleasure for the past 12 months to have had the assistance of Rob Boon who is part of the team at ABBS.   He was always available for questions and guidance at, what seemed to be, ALL hours of the night and day.  I am positive he has a sleeping bag tucked away under his desk.

Richard H

Rob Boon has a great passion for what he does and is an excellent mentor.   He has a great depth of knowledge of accounting and desire to pass on his knowledge, which he does in a very thorough way to ensure deeper understanding.  He is the best I have ever encountered.

Carol A.

My name is Samuel and I have found Rob approachable and informative. As a result, I have had a “North Star” to travel by.  Rob is very busy with his current commitments in his lecturing profession however, he still finds the time to phone me back and listen to my concerns. The observation, however, that meant the most to me was that even though I was coming with fairly minimal accounting understanding, he never gave me the impression that I was not important.

Samuel B

A big shout out to Steve at Accountability BAS and Bookkeeping Services in Innisfail for your kind manner your professionalism and innate ability to dot the i’s and cross the t’s… if you need assistance with the EOFY give Steve a call

Elizabeth T

Rob enhanced not only my understanding but also lifted my ability to provide excellent service to my customers.  I would like to add that,  apart from the above, Rob is an extremely approachable and likeable character who is very patient and able to impart his in-depth knowledge and experience in a manner that is pleasurable and supportive.

Katalyn K

I find bookkeeping very daunting but Rob has been so positive and supporting at all times with me. All I have to do is call or text Rob and he always gets back to me, I am in Western Australia and given the time difference I thought this was going to be a problem but Rob has made sure that was not the case.

I have learned so much from Rob and he uses every programme he can to keep it personal.  Some of the processes he uses, Team viewer, ScreenConnect, Skype, GoToMeeting and of course by phone.  It is like having him right here with me.

Claire W

I have had contact with numerous bookkeepers, both good and bad! Rob Boon is one of the good ones and I believe having the support of a great person has a positive impact on both the understanding and outcome for me.

Rob is very interesting and informative. His encouragement to understand is very good and we are encouraged to talk about our issues and learn more about the processes.   I feel that I can ask questions when required as Rob has an approachable, friendly manner. He makes himself available via mobile, email & skype and seems to be very flexible with his availability.

Pauline T

I have been privileged to be associated with Rob Boon for over 12 months now and am constantly amazed at how dedicated he is to his clients. His vast array of knowledge and ability to explain processes is a direct credit to himself.   Rob has made himself available at all hours including weekends which I have found invaluable.

Simone J

My name is Claire and I can confirm that Rob’s compassion and knowledge is amazing.

His dedication is outstanding. He is available to me by many different means including his mobile telephone at any time, by Skype, by Radmin Viewer, by Screenconnect and by email and always responds quickly.

He regularly puts in many extra hours to ensure things are done and this has been invaluable to me.  I would not hesitate in recommending Rob and thank him for all his help and support.

Claire W

Rob proves time and again that his passion is having others learn from his experience and know how.  I was concerned with the time difference between Western Australia and Queensland (two hours) and what impact that difference would have.  I was told he was supportive and this has been ratified many times over the past year with Rob being available for any concerns or questions I have had – even when this has impeded into his night.

Not only does Rob welcome contact with regards bookkeeping issues, he is always happy to talk about life outside of business – the same way you can talk about things to a friend.

Darryl M

I  must admit the support given to me by Rob is more than I expected. Thank you.

Beat R

My first initial contact with the organisation was a phone call back from Rob (after-hours and on a Friday!) to discuss my needs and answer any queries I had.  Rob went above and beyond talking me through the issues.

I could tell just by talking to Rob that he holds a deep enthusiasm for the financial services industry and for his role.  I found Rob, on that day and every session since, to be inspiring, knowledgeable and approachable something I hold valuable.

He is always available for phone calls or skype messages and gets back to requests in a very reasonable timeframe.   I highly recommend Rob Boon.  His level of professionalism and acumen is something that drew me to him and I will not hesitate to recommend Rob to my colleagues and friends.

Lisa D

I have found Rob to be extremely helpful with any problems I have been having, he has always been contactable and has at all times displayed a high degree of integrity, professionalism, and knowledge.

Leaine A

I would like to endorse Mr. Rob Boon.  The bookkeeping and accountancy world, is far from my Graphic Design background.

Not being a person from an office based background, I have found bookkeeping a little daunting and I am so glad that Rob is helping me understand this new world. He is very adaptable, down to earth and a very patient.

I have spoken to Rob via Skype, Mobile, Teamviewer and Email so far, on a few occasions at length.  All of which has helped me have a better understanding and feel more comfortable with the questions I have and the information provided.

I live in Melbourne and Rob is in another state, and having all these handy tools at my fingertips and of course Rob being there when needed in my time outside work hours, has helped to reduce the stress and make things easier to follow.

Michelle T

From a personal point, I have run my own businesses for 20 years and I have found the support I have received from Rob and what I have learnt has enabled me to make improvements to my own bookkeeping system which I’m sure will be of benefit to my businesses.

Sharon H

Rob has been with me every step of the way and I have never found him inaccessible unless he was speaking with another client.  To ensure I can contact him Rob is available by way of mobile phone, skype or email.  Rob has had discussions with me while travelling on a bus (outside business hours) just so that I wouldn’t have to wait to get the help I needed.

Wendy C

Thinking about engaging or changing your bookkeeper?  Then let us give you a quote…

To be able to provide you with a relatively accurate quote, we will need you to provide some core information that is used for this purpose only.

We suggest you have your bank statements or a close estimate the number of transactions on all business bank accounts and credit cards for the last three months.

Top 25 2023
Xero Gold Partner
SMSF Account Award 2017
Registered Tax Practioner
MYOB Gold Partner